A Student-Led Campus

From the Student Senate to the Grove House Kitchen, students help run and make decisions about all aspects of our campus

Students talk and work in an outdoor classroom by the Grove House

“Students serve on committees that make critical decisions about the College, including the hiring and review of faculty. Their voices are vital, and their leadership interrogates our governance structure.”

Rachel VanSickle-Ward

Professor of Political Studies

#1 Largest Student Government Per Capita

With one rep for every 22 students, our student government brings big decisions about the college closer to students than any other school in the U.S.

Get Involved

a student speaks during a student senate session

Student Senate

Pitzer’s Student Senate occupies a vital place in our unique model of shared governance. Representatives on the senate take an active role in making decisions about Pitzer’s future, from the selection of tenure-track faculty to the construction of new residence halls.
Learn More About Student Senate

College Committees

Our 20 college committees form the building blocks of governance on campus — and student representatives sit on almost all of them. Committees cover a wide range of topics, from sustainability to tenure, and that means that, no matter your interests, you’ll have a place to make your voice heard. 
See Our Committees


Student with GoPro films open mic event
Students participate in an open-mic night at The Grove House. 

Residence Hall Councils

Every Pitzer residence hall has an associated Residence Hall Council (RHC). RHCs are student-run forums that provide a place for residents to plan activities, talk about residence life, and advocate for their shared interests.
Learn More About RHCs

Pitzer Voices

“I came to Pitzer because, when I was looking at schools, I wanted something that had more of a mission. The core values of Pitzer—namely, environmental sustainability and student engagement—were the two that really drew me to want to come here.”

Graham Brady '22


Environmental Analysis major

Make Your Mark

a student worker at the grove house takes a food order from another student

The Grove House

The Grove House is a hub for student leadership. The Grove House Kitchen, a classic campus lunch spot, is run entirely by students. The house itself is run and maintained by on-site student caretakers.

Learn More About the Grove House
A student collects eggs in the student garden

Student Garden

Our student garden is — as the name suggests — a student-run community garden that provides fruits, vegetables, and eggs to the Grove House Kitchen and the Pitzer community at large. 

Explore the Student Garden
Students talk while sitting on bikes outside the Green Bike Program shed

Green Bike Program (GBP)

The GBP is a student-run organization that repairs, refurbishes, and loans out previously abandoned bikes for free to Pitzer students. The program also offers free bike repairs and sells locks to students, staff, and faculty across all seven Claremont Colleges.

Read About the GBP